Monday, 24 November 2014

Liverpool Biennial 2014.

Visiting Liverpool's 8th annual Biennial exhibitions was highly influencial for my current practice. The main focus of the visit was the John Moores painting prize, which is the UK's best known and longest running painting competition. This years winner was, Rose Wylie with her huge 'PV Windows and Floorboards'.

Rose stated; "Usually I paint something I’ve seen, but I may fiddle with the scale, context, and rules of gravity. I draw from observation, memory and with ‘conceptual projection’ - how a stereotype would look from the un-stereotypical view, or if made from a written list of observed particulars, then that list illustrated. The paintings often start from my drawings, but anything can change, depending on the way I feel about how it is, or if I know what that should be. The drawings can come from the excitement of anything I’ve seen, but particularly from film (the swapping of one artform from another), newspapers, and memory of personal events." 

Second Year transition.

Following on from semester two of first year, my work is still focusing on transforming old masters work into my implusive mark making. Moving on from the smaller scale of last years work,  I want to use scale to build on the aesthetics of my paintings, this allows for more room to manoeuvre the paint freely around the canvas. Below is my final piece from last year. At this time I was heavily influenced by Julie Mehretu, her use of line was influencial as a way to translate the emotions of Caravaggio's paintings. To move on from this, for semester one I'm going to build on scale and focus on capturing the main movement of the image I'm looking at.